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Our mission at Hole in the Wall Dog Training Academy is to develop and continue a fun and enjoyable relationship with your dog. A well-behaved dog is a “good” dog. We will train you how to get the most from your dog.


Our small classes encourage your dog to focus on you and not the many distractions in the real world. As your dog increases his attention you then can open his world to more experiences.


Positive reinforcement with reward training has been proven to speed up the process of learning. Your goals are met and your dog is successful.

Aversive techniques and fear based methods are not part of our philosophy. We do not advocate FORCE, FEAR OR PAIN.  




Pat has 30 years of teaching experience. She holds a Masters Degree in Education from Rutgers University, New Jersey. Her enjoyment of working with both dogs and people sparks her excitement.

Pat graduated from the Karen Pryor Dog Training and Behavior Academy with distinction in 2012 and is a Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP). Pat is certified also in dog training through the Council of Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) and is a professional member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), Pet Professional Guild, and TAGteach International.

Pat has been a featured trainer for the Karen Pryor Dog Training Academy website. She is a licensed presenter with Family Paws and Dog Gone Safe’s Be a Tree Program.


In 2022 Pat became a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.  This is no small feat and is a very coveted certification.  Pat  works with behavior issues not limited to  separation anxiety, fear and anxiety, dog aggression, reactivity,  resource guarding, and obsessive/compulsive disorders. 


Pat has had a passion for Therapy Dog work since 2005 when she first started doing therapy dog visits with her Goldens, Lily and Dallas.

Pat is a member of Love on a Leash Pet Therapy and Intermountain Therapy Animals-R.E.A.D program. She is the founder and chapter leader/trainer of Coastal Carolina Love on a Leash. She has trained and supervised over 50 dog/handler teams for therapy dog work.

Pat is an AKC Canine Good Citizen approved evaluator and an APDT evaluator for Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S.). She is a certified  Level 1 Tag teacher.


Pat is always willing to speak at organizations about animal behavior, training, and responsible dog ownership, including dog and children safety.

When time allows Pat attends workshops and seminars by some of the leading dog trainers and behaviorists in the world. A highlight was attending the World Summit TAGteach symposium in Verona, Italy in 2015.

Sadly, Pat lost her 2 best friends, Lily and Dallas in 2016. She now shares her home with 2  sweet Golden Retrievers, Charlie and Baxter. Charlie received her therapy dog certification in September 2021. 

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I received my dog training certification through the Council of Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) in 2018. I am a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), and an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.

My training journey began at Hole in the Wall Dog Training Academy in January 2013 with my 4 year old black lab Sassy. The more we trained together the more we loved it! Through CGC (Canine Good Citizen), Love on a Leash Therapy dog program, R.E.A.D (Reading Education Assistance Dog), AKC Trick titles, Rally, Agility and Nose Work classes the more fun we had and the stronger our bond and relationship became. Sadly I lost her to cancer in 2018 but it was through her I discovered my passion for working with other people and their dogs. I saw how positive reinforcement and reward based training results in better, more trusting relationship. 

I brought Thelma Lou a sweet labradoodle into my life as a puppy in 2018. 

Lou loved learning new behaviors and challenging me to learn some new ones too! Together we conquered  advanced Tricks' titles and were on our way to stardom. Sadly she was taken from me in 2023.  Devastated is not a strong enough word to express the sorrow of my loss. 

I gain strength working with dogs and handlers in class and I know there will be another wonderful and powerful companion for me in the future.  

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